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Monday, August 23, 2010

Scoring using Screens and Deflections in NHL 11

The NHL 11 demo is here! Are you good enough to earn a trophy in the Hockey Ultimate Team mode? Team Canada can be pretty tricky... However, you can be good enough to earn that trophy. Scoring in NHL 11 is definitely different than NHL 10. Goalies seem more realistic, which is great for beginners and old pro's alike - here's why: Screens & Deflections work!

Difficulty: 4/10 (Easy to get shots off, HARD to get the hang of scoring even 25% of the time)

Shooter: Skilled OFD or Forward just north of the blue line

1. Offensive setup = Crash the Net + Forecheck = 3-2 (This ensures traffic and onside D-men)
2. Start with the puck low or behind the net
3. Cycle to an open D-man or skate the forward to the point
4. While in motion, as in moving the player left or right adjacent to the goal, fire the puck low to the opposite side of your direction of movement. Repeat as necessary.


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