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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Score in NHL 11 During the 3rd Period (Part 1)

In this video, you'll see a very tired bunch of guys (1st couple seconds, bottom right). Followed by a 'home team timeout' then, the guys are as fresh as if it were the start of the period! USE THIS TOOL. So many players in ranked online games don't even know about the timeout feature of the game. You must pause the game in order to access this feature, there is no 'on the fly' timeout, so if you have to ice the puck - do it. It's worth it. You can only use the timeout feature once per game, so I highly recommend you save it until the last period. I prefer using my fastest line right after a timeout so I'm able to blow by defenders and hopefully dangle myself a goal.

How to Score in NHL 11 During the 3rd Period Video:


BuffaloBill said...

how do you do that, i cant do it it just does the huge toe drag

Anonymous said...

You should do a line change to the line that you want BEFORE you use the timeout "feature". Otherwise, when you return from the pause screen, you'll just have a well rested line 4 out there. Also, the timeout applies to both teams, so your opponent's line will be well rested also.